We are Southern California’s leading Solar Panel Cleaning Company and Birdproofing Company. We service commercial solar systems, small residential rooftops & everything in between!
Our business specializes in birdproofing and solar panel cleaning maintenance services for commercial & residential solar installations. Our services significantly reduce our client’s electricity bill by ensuring that their panels are operating at peak performance. We want you to see the most returns out of your environmentally conscious investment in solar panels & prevent their energy output from being diminished by a layer of dirt.
We mainly serve the Southern California region but are willing to travel all throughout California to service large scale solar panel systems such as solar farms & utility solar infrastructure. There isn’t a job too big for us to handle, we have the bandwidth to clean thousands of solar panels per day & even have a fleet of our high tech automated solar cleaning robots which we are also a distributor of.
We don’t just clean solar panels, we also offer provide solar panel bird proofing, commercial window cleaning & solar panel cleaning education.
The Owner
Founder and Owner of SoCal Solar Panel Cleaning Company
Meet Henry-SoCal Solar Panel Cleaning Company LLC was founded by Henry Sanchez who was inspired to enter the Solar Industry after an insightful trip to Australia where he identified a booming new industry and a pain point no one was solving.
As a born and raised native to Southern California, Henry Sanchez is deeply committed to serving his community. He does his part in promoting sustainable energy production everyday by making sure home owners & businesses get the most out of their solar panel systems.
Henry is responsible for the maintenance & cleaning for hundreds of thousands of solar panels across California. In late 2022, he partnered SolarCleano, the world’s leading company in solar panel cleaning robotics. As of this writing SoCal Solar Cleaning Company is California’s only distributor for this cutting edge technology.